Back pain between shoulder blades: causes and treatment of pain

And quite rare is the pain between the shoulder blades, the reasons for which most people do not known. Many consider it just some "misunderstanding", which soon will pass by itself. Many then wonder, when faced with a very serious disease. The problem is, this pain is rarely very strong, in particular because the spine rigid. And people, most of them prefer to ignore it and not go to the doctor. But the causes of this pain syndrome, the most serious. So, what can be the reason for occurrence of such pain?

pain between the shoulder blades

Disease, leading to pain between the shoulder blades

First and foremost is, of course, the problem of the spine. The most common causes in this case are:

  • kyphosis of the thoracic spine;
  • kyphoscoliosis;
  • disc protrusion in the thoracic spine;
  • osteochondrosis of the spine;
  • scoliosis;
  • spondiloarthrosis;
  • shoulder-scapular periarthrosis;
  • intercostal neuralgia.

But the spine is not the only possible cause. The pain of this kind may appear in diseases of other internal organs. So, very often the cause of such pain is ischemic heart disease and angina. It is clear that with this disease, attempts to treat the spine lead to nothing, cause pain in another place.

Also syndrome pain between the shoulder blades can cause disease, such as serious illness of the lungs and pleura, diseases of the liver and gallbladder (hepatitis, cholecystitis), stomach ulcer.

It's worth to mention such a cause as "occupational diseases". In this case, the problem is related to the specific work, but rather low mobility and sedentary work. In this case, faced with the weakening of the muscles and ligaments of the back in combination with a continuous tension of the muscles located in the shoulder girdle. Such a problem often faced typists, PC operators, designers, seamstresses, drivers etc.

Note that generally the thoracic spine is very immobile, which is why a variety of degenerative processes in it developed quite rare. In other words, the spine itself rarely becomes the cause of such pain. More often this pain is said about the problems of the internal organs, the most common cause is spasm of the muscles, which are located in the interscapular region, as well as problems of tendons and ligaments.

When the pain is caused by problems of tendons and ligaments, it is bursting with feelings that don't disappear immediately when you change the position of the body. However, the pain tends to spread almost on the entire spine, and in some cases pays in the region of the heart. For this reason, there are sometimes problems with determining the exact location of pain.

Complexity of diagnostics

As you can see, the causes of back pain between shoulder blades very much, which seriously complicates diagnostics. To establish an accurate diagnosis the doctor often has to do a lot of research, which at first glance are completely unrelated. For example, many do not understand why after x-rays and magnetic resonance imaging they have to go to be examined by a cardiologist and perform an electrocardiogram. And all because the doctor needs to exclude all possible causes of the pain, paying attention to the most serious of possible heart disease, degenerative disc disease, herniated disc, etc.

If the cause of pain often lies in the muscles, the doctors know, but they just have to rule out all other possible diagnoses, especially if the prescribed treatment does not bring quick results.

The treatment of back pain between the shoulder blades

Naturally, the treatment of pain in this case fully determined by the diagnosis, and accordingly can be completely different. But since we've already figured out that most often the reason is hidden in the muscles, let's deal with this option.

In the case when the source of pain are the muscles, it is manifested by burning sensation (burning pain) and severity in the area between the shoulder blades. But enough to move my shoulder or a few times to wave your hands and the pain will go away, and then all will pass. Worse, when the pain "gives" in the heart area and the body immediately takes place – such symptoms are typical for diseases of the thoracic spine and the heart.

The risk

As we have said, most often this disease affects people, who either lead a sedentary lifestyle, or it is a specific feature of their profession. In particular, office workers, operators, PC, computer programmers, cashiers – they have to spend a lot of time in one position (back slightly bent, head down, working only the hands). As a result, it violated posture, weakened muscles and ligaments of the back, there is a risk of developing scoliosis, which (subject to age) will no longer be so easily cured.

Characteristic is the fact that very often various diseases of the spine develops in people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Only cause of pain would be an entirely different osteochondrosis, spondylosis, etc. In this case, one a priori, will have to undergo a long treatment. So don't forget the old adage, which says that movement is life.

What to do and how to treat?

Unfortunately, almost none of the above diseases can not be cured just in the home folk remedies. Painkillers provide only temporary and rather a deceptive effect, as, in fact, the treatment. And medical gymnastics, which is the mainstay of treatment of many diseases of the spine (it is used in the treatment of problems of the muscles), also appointed by the doctor. Moreover, the physician should choose the exercises for your specific case, otherwise therapy will be ineffective. So in any case, a visit to the doctor is needed.

Probably, you will be assigned a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, various physiotherapeutic procedures, massage and therapeutic exercise. However, exercise therapy is assigned only on the decline of pain.

It is also worth to highlight the different physical therapy procedures. This method of treatment is auxiliary, it includes electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy, magnetic therapy, various types of electrotherapy, manual therapy, reflexology and Spa treatment. These methods are rarely able to eliminate the cause of pain, but well eliminate the pain, easing the patient's life.

So when the pain between the shoulder blades, you should immediately consult a doctor. In this case you need the consultation of several specialists, trauma surgeon, neurologist, rheumatologist and cardiologist. In the future you may need the assistance of a massage therapist and chiropractor.

Prevention of pain


The only and the best prevention in this case is an active lifestyle, lack of excessive stress and bad habits. You need to maintain a certain physical activity, always be aware of posture, sleep in the right conditions and right to move. Yes, such prevention requires constant monitoring and a way of his life, but it's a lot easier than curing a variety of diseases of the spine, muscles and ligaments of the back.