How to get rid of back pain at home?

Many people suffer from back pain. Such diseases are quite common. Pain can wear both acute and chronic. Acute pain usually occurs suddenly and is intense. And chronic cause the person inconvenience for a long time. How to get rid of back pain?

Reasons that cause back pain

How can you get rid of back pain? Initially, you need to establish the reasons for its occurrence. Pain in the lower back even in the elderly are not a sign of old age. This is largely considered a neglected health problems.


The factors causing discomfort in the lumbar region, not always related to age. Lower back pain can occur in children. The reasons are as follows:

  • Injuries of the spine. The pain can bother you even after treatment.
  • Incorrect posture can cause curvature of the spine. When scoliosis occurs, the displacement of the center of gravity and the uneven distribution of the load on the vertebrae.
  • Inflammatory processes in tissues of the vertebrae or intervertebral hernias often cause pain in the lower back.
  • Diseases of the internal organs (kidneys, liver) can also be accompanied by pain in the back.

There are a number of reasons, which are caused by external factors:

  • Improper distribution of the load when lifting and carrying heavy objects can cause back pain.
  • Prolonged exposure of the body in an uncomfortable position causes muscle tension in the back and, consequently, the occurrence of pain.
  • The discomfort can cause drafts in the room.

How to get rid of back pain? Therapy should be chosen taking into account the etiology of the disease. For example, another kind of lower back pain can occur in pregnant women in connection with the displacement of the vertebrae, pulling the back muscles.

How not to start the pain?

How can you get rid of back pain? To get rid of it when the exact causes. Independently put a diagnosis is not always possible.


The right choice will be to visit a neurologist or orthopedist. After reviewing all the symptoms, he will be able to determine the real cause of the discomfort. And in this case he will be prescribed treatment. Because you need to contend not only with the consequence (symptoms) of the disease - should identify the factors that cause this.

You can at first before diagnosis to use painkillers ("Analgin", "Aspirin", "Ibuprofen"). In addition to medication, relieve pain at home help of some methods.

How to quickly get rid of back pain?

Sharp pain that occurs suddenly may be caused by a person's movement or heavy lifting. This can lead to stretching of the back muscles and strong pain.

In this case you need to stay in bed for several days. If it is not possible to seek the help of a specialist, use a few simple tips.

How to get rid of back pain? To reduce pain to the lower back can apply ice. There are several ways:

  • as a compress, you can use a wet cloth in the batch, aged in the fridge for half an hour;
  • put them in the bag cubes Luda and apply to the sore place;
  • you can make a variety of frozen foods (vegetables, meat).

Applying such a compress on the sore spot, you need to wait until the pain is reduced.

How to get rid of pain in the back muscles? In some cases, instead of cold you can use warm. 3 days after acute pain, you can deal with thermal wrappings. The patient lies on his belly and on his back lay a warm towel that is wetted in the tincture of anti-inflammatory herbs. On top is placed a package and placed it on a heating pad. The procedure time is not more than 30 minutes.

Very effective technique - the alternation of heat and cold because of the contrast stimulates the normalization of blood circulation.


How can you get rid of chronic back pain?

How to get rid of back pain forever? Very often people suffer from constant pain. To completely get rid of it, you should change your lifestyle.

Often the discomfort is caused when a person sleeps on a soft bed. To not feel pain, it is better to sleep on an orthopedic mattress and pillow. In this case, the weight of the body during sleep is distributed evenly throughout the spine.

A proven remedy that you can use at home from back pain, is considered to be acetylsalicylic acid. The drug is based on it will help relieve inflammation that can cause discomfort. Sometimes to completely get rid of pain "Ibuprofen".

Lower back pain during pregnancy

How to get rid of back pain during pregnancy? Discomfort in the back that a woman experiences during the period of gestation, it is not always possible to remove. Because the cause of pain are changes in the body.

There are several reasons for this pain:

  • growing together with the fetal stomach, tightening the muscles, creating back tension;
  • during pregnancy occurs curvature of the spine, as a result, he adopts a strange position;
  • the growing fetus starts to put pressure on the urogenital organs of the female, which also can cause pain.

How to get rid of back pain? To reduce lower back pain, a pregnant woman can use some advice:

  • wear shoes with low heels;
  • to sleep on a hard mattress;
  • to perform special exercises for pregnant women that can reduce the pain;
  • compresses, especially hot, it is better not to apply.

Physical exertion in lower back pain

To get rid of back pain helps swimming, special exercises.

How to get rid of back pain? Yoga helps to relieve lower back pain if you do it 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes.

Exercise helps stretch your muscles. Motion improve circulation. This man is completely distracted from the pain.

Walking - the easiest form of physical activity. You need Hiking for hours every day.

Acute pain should lie on a hard surface. Then, lying on back, raise legs and lean them against the wall. So completely removed the load from the spine. Muscles should be thus:

  • alternately pulling up the toes;
  • relaxing and Contracting the muscles of the buttocks.

How to get rid of back pain? Exercise in the form of stretch marks well help to relieve pain. Recommended to perform these exercises while sitting or lying down, alternately bending one or the other leg. Prohibited to do the following:

  • leg swings;
  • to squat;
  • to download the press.

How to quickly get rid of back pain?

Get rid of back pain and neck. When a completely unknown cause of pain, you can use therapies in the home:

  • Diet. In some cases, pain may be a violation of blood flow due to increase cholesterol and reduce the elasticity of blood vessels. To solve this problem it is necessary to exclude from the diet fatty foods, eggs, pork, meat broth.
  • To get rid of back pain by using psychological methods. Should imagine the pain in the form of subject that disappears, dissolves. The most important thing is definitely believe. You can make the attempt to transfer the pain to another place. Imagine how the pain moved into ear, nail, head.
  • For the relief of pain should completely refrain from coffee and tea. To reduce vascular spasm, you need to completely give up Smoking.
  • To restore blood circulation it is necessary to apply compresses, constantly engaged in physical therapy.

To reduce back pain we need to completely change your lifestyle and abandon bad habits.

How to relieve back pain traditional methods?

How to get rid of back pain forever? To remove pain in the back, you need to:

  • Mix camphoric and coconut oil, boil for 5 minutes. Allow to cool and store in a glass bottle. Once a week massage on the lower back.
  • In the tub with warm water and add few drops of eucalyptus oil. Periodically taking a bath, you can get rid of back pain.
  • Before you shower massage the back mustard oil. Better to take a shower with hot water.
  • In a sock put rice and tie it. Put in the microwave for a few minutes. Then you need to attach the sock to the affected area.

These methods of pain relief should be used only healthy.


Dangerous symptoms of pain

In some cases it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor:

  • appears when back pain is accompanied by fever, pain in the chest, shortness of breath;
  • the pain is bothering more than 3 days, and its intensity is not diminished;
  • pain of a chronic nature observed for 2 weeks without improvement;
  • the pain experienced in the foot or leg.

When there is pain in the back and no serious diseases, you should perform gentle physical exercise, compresses and other treatments.